101 Kinks: Horny Posting - satan_copilots_my_tardis - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Taking over the PLF has been good for them overall. They have a cushy place to stay, they have funds, equipment, security, and more allies than they can shake a stick at. It's good. But it also means that they have a lot more work to do. Looking out for just the six of them was a lot easier than trying to run a group of thousands, and it doesn't help that Shigaraki isn't always around either, not to mention the fact that it took he and Twice several months to heal from their injuries from the Deika fight. Things are better, sure. But things are a lot more complicated than they used to be.

Now, when Shigaraki has a day or two away from treatments, he and Dabi usually end up taking over one of the little conference rooms in the villa, at least four laptops spread out in front of them alongside any papers that they need to consult, maps of the country to check supply routes and help to plan their eventual takeover, recruitment numbers, and a f*cking million other things that Shigaraki needs to not just know, but to help organize so that the rest of the PLF has a very clear plan to act on during his upcoming four month absence. So they have been locked in and trying to get things ready for the next few days before Duster leaves again. They're pretty deep into the recruitment numbers relating to the manifesto sales when Shig's phone starts to ring and he glances at it.

"It's Ujiko, give me a minute." He says, standing up from the table and heading towards the door.

"If he tries to get you to go back to the lab, I'm lighting it on fire. I'm supposed to have another two days to get you to deal with all of this bullsh*t!" He snaps, but he takes the opportunity to take a little break himself, sitting up from where he's been hunched over the papers, cracking his back as he moves, and going so far as to stretch his arms over his head and arch back to try and loosen some of the stiffness.

Duster just snorts softly before he steps out of the room, a light, "Hello?", being the last thing that Dabi hears before the door is shutting behind him again. Dabi has no idea how long it will take for the other to come back, but he figures that he really shouldn't waste too much time. Ujiko really could call Shigaraki back to the lab for some new treatment and that will do nothing but cause Dabi more trouble. He should pull up the things that are the most immediately important to ensure that they get that work finished before the other man has to leave. He reaches for his laptop and Shig's, intending to open up their notes so that they can keep working as soon as the other man comes back to the office. But he doesn't get very far. Shig has a lot of stuff open on his computer, but the page he's on right now is a news article that was talking about the manifesto that Skeptic said they should look at. That's not all that interesting. The thing that catches Dabi's eye is that one of the open tabs across the top of the screen has the Chatter icon, an open mouth on a pale gray background, floating in the corner.

He clicks over to it, half expecting it to be something that Toga sent them since she has been in charge of keeping an eye on their numbers and other involvement on social media. It's only as he opens that tab that he remembers that Shigaraki told them he didn't have a Chatter account to send things to. But it definitely looks like he's signed into one when Dabi looks at it. SYMBLOFFEAR. Just the generic icon, a locked private account with about twenty followers and following about thirty other people. Dabi isn't really intending to be nosy, but he is immediately curious and he finds himself glancing down at his feed. The most recent post just reads,

"If I don't find out how he tastes soon, I'm killing myself and everyone else in a ten mile radius."

Dabi blinks. Reads it a second time, and then snorts. Really? Is this why Shig lied and said that he didn't have an account? Because he was thirst posting? He's surprised the other man even thinks about that kind of stuff. He was pretty sure that video games occupied the part of his brain that was supposed to house libido, like Spinner, but this is funnier. And yeah, maybe he didn't intend to be nosy, but he already is being, so he might as well go a step further while he can. Dabi isn't sure if he's ever typed faster to sign out of his account (made specifically to help Toga do her job), and makes a new one with his personal email instead of the PLF one. Then he sends SYMBLOFFEAR a friend request, accepts it on Shigaraki's computer, deletes one of the people he's been following for a while, but hasn't interacted with in months, and quickly deletes the notification of the request. He leaves no evidence behind of what he did and pulls up what he had been meaning to in the first place before tucking his phone back into his pocket and going back to work.

It still takes another five minutes before Duster comes back into the room, pinching between his eyes like that will send whatever headache the doctor just gave him, far, far away. "You don't have to burn down the lab."

"But?" Because there's definitely a 'but' if that expression says anything.

"Ujiko's hospital is unexpectedly taking on another thirty residency students. Given his tenure, he's being asked to take on a majority of them and won't be able to continue treatments on the nomu or my own at the same pace if we want him to keep appearances up at the hospital." That's a mixed f*cking bag if Dabi's ever seen one.

"At least you're not in danger of your limbs exploding off your body from the extra quirks?" He offers in blasé consolation. "How far behind is this going to put us on our timeline?"

"At least a month. He said that he will try his best to get the students out of his hair before too long. But he can't guarantee anything." Shig slides back into his seat and doesn't seem perturbed by the laptop being opened to a different file.


Duster ignores the slight and continues. "I suppose that this could be a good thing. It gives us more time to work with me around. Maybe we can reschedule things so that the ones that need more direct oversight happen while I'm still here?"

"Yeah, okay. Didn't take you for an optimist."

"I don't think I've ever been called one before." He says before they start to get back into it and Dabi puts everything else out of his mind.


They end up having a very productive day and a half, and it's not until the following night that Dabi has finished showering and is plopping down onto his luxurious bed, and is reaching for his phone again that he remembers the account. He's getting ready to sleep, but he figures that this could be something funny to take a look at as he winds down, and he rolls onto his stomach and logs into his dummy account. He goes ahead and follows a couple of random brands and suggested people when the app serves him up a bunch, just so that, if Shigaraki does click through his followers and sees this account, it will look a little less suspicious, and he reposts a random sampling of things from those other accounts as well and sets a new icon picture. He doesn't want anything identifiable and he doesn't want anything so generic that it would make it look like a bot, so he scrolls back as far as he can get into his camera roll and finds a picture of a building he took before he'd even met the League, when he had been looking to confirm the sh*tty little hole in the wall was the right place he was supposed to be at for a meetup with a potential client.

With his account looking a little less fake, Dabi clicks over to actually see what Shigaraki says when no one else is watching. The post he saw yesterday is underneath two new ones, the most recent posted about an hour ago.

SYMBLOFFEAR: Every second I spend not having a pretty sub begging for me to tell him he's a good boy is an extra second I'm going to hold onto the earth and watch it break apart at my feet.

Dabi snorts, yeah, this is exactly the kind of thing he was hoping to end up finding. He's going to laugh himself to sleep at this rate. He keeps scrolling, reading through the other posts.

SYMBLOFFEAR: Waiting for the day I have a sub who comes to me when they're tired of being responsible and just wants to be messy and dumb for a while because they know I'll take care of them.

SYMBLOFFEAR: Guys you know are rude because they're absolutely desperate to be held down, told they're pretty, and covered in cum.

He doesn't think he necessarily expected Shigaraki to be so horny, but it's definitely funny as he goes. He also hadn't really given much thought to Shigaraki's sexual orientation, but almost all of the posts are about guys, or at least they are as he scrolls through the most recent ones. Not that it matters, but it is something that Dabi takes note of.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I don't care what my doctor says about 'alternative treatments', nothing would fix me like having that pretty boy tied up in my bed with his hole stretched open around my co*ck.

SYMBLOFFEAR: f*ck Maslow's Hierarchy. If I had him in cat ears and purring, I would be sane, healthy, and flourishing, and so would he.

Not only is he learning that Shig is thirsty, into a lot of very specific kinds of play, and is definitely attracted to men, Dabi finds himself growing more certain that he's also... into someone specific. Maybe it's a little bit of a reach, but it feels like most of the posts that aren't just about general things he likes to see from his subs-- though finding out Shigaraki is any kind of dom is also surprising-- he's posting about a 'him' a lot. This account has been most active in the past few months, so it's probably someone here at the PLF, but contending with the additional fact that Shigaraki of all people has a crush, is a wild thought to him.

SYMBLOFFEAR: My coworker just let out a groan of frustration so sexual I blacked out for a second imagining him grinding in my lap until he was cumming in his pants.

SYMBLOFFEAR: And I blinked back to him asking what the f*ck was wrong with me because I shattered my coffee mug.

Dabi's temperature spikes sharply.


Sitting on the couch in Shig's office before they had to go to an afternoon meeting. The day already feels like it's dragging on, but there's so much work to do. Duster said he got a coffee machine for his office since the PLF doesn't seem to give a sh*t about their spending, and Dabi had been bitching about wanting one too. They went there to prep for the next meeting. His head was spinning with the f*cking PR and political bullsh*t that Trumpet was going to be talking about later. Campaign talking points, who their base was, where they needed to have the biggest impact in order to ensure their party got bigger and the PLF's influence spread wider. Important stuff, sure, but not the kinds of things that Dabi finds particularly interesting.

"Ugh!" He presses his palms against his eyes, which is not good for the seams underneath them, or the ones on his hands, but he doesn't care. "Why can't I go back to just setting people on fire?" He wants to bitch until Shigaraki tells him this is all important, but he's right that what they were doing before, even as difficult as living on the streets was, was, in fact, easier than having to learn how to run a militia. He doesn't get that, instead he hears the splash of liquid and tinkling of glass. He pulls his hands away from his eyes and blinks as he sees Shigaraki watching him, but unblinking as he realizes that his hand is clenched around nothing, because the coffee mug that he definitely had a second ago is half dust, coffee spilled over Shigaraki's pant leg and shoe, and little bits of dust and ceramic scattered across the floor. "What the f*ck is wrong with you?" He also hasn't ever seen Duster slip with his quirk before and the last time he saw Shig so... dazed was right before they went into Deika when he had been running on no sleep.

"sh*t." Is all his boss says as he seems to come back to his senses and looks down to see the coffee all over the floor.

"Woah, you not sleeping at all lately, boss?" Because Shigaraki is usually very good with his quirk. He must be absolutely dead on his feet if he's f*cking up now.

"No, not really." He says, reaching for the tissue box on the desk and using a handful of them to absorb the liquid on the carpet, and then a few more to blot the hot coffee from his leg. He knows that Shigaraki has a hell of a pain tolerance, but it's a little ridiculous that he just seems annoyed more than anything else.

"You should go change. What will people say if their Grand Commander shows up with coffee stains? Imagine the scandal." Maybe he's being a little petty, but he's also not wrong. As he is learning from so much of the corporate bullsh*t, optics are everything. Shigaraki, even when he was shattered after Deika, has always meant strength and ingenuity moving forward to the former MLA. Wearing the suit is a good way of making him look like he can emulate the professionalism they expect from their leader while embodying those fresh ideas. If he starts to show up in suits that look messy, or if he appears unkempt, then people may start to think that he isn't as put together and as capable of leading as they want him to be. "I'll take care of the coffee."

Shig blinks, "...Thanks. I won't be long."

Dabi waves him off. "Just get more sleep and you can owe me one."


That had been a week and a half ago. The ninth if he remembers correctly. He checks the timestamp on the post. The ninth, mid-afternoon. Dabi decides that's enough of going through Shigaraki's account for one night. It's definitely not funny anymore.


By the next morning, after sitting up in bed for hours trying to figure out what to do about all of this bullsh*t, he ends up deciding that if Shigaraki does want to rail him until he can't walk straight, then fine. He clearly isn't trying to use their work to get in his pants or he would have been way more efficient about it by now. No, what this tells him is that Shigaraki is a horny bastard who would literally rather die of blue balls and imagining horny situations with him than actually go for it and risk f*cking things up. He's not sure if that's endearing or not, if he's really interested or not in the other man, though the glow-up is pretty nice. Shigaraki is definitely not as scrawny as he was when they first met, and the hair color and length both look good on him, the fact he stands up straight and isn't constantly clawing off his skin or trying to kill everyone all the time is also a nice change of pace. But knowing he's so worried about pursuing anything with him kind of... makes Dabi interested. In, at least, f*cking with Shigaraki, even if he decides to not actually f*ck him.

He starts by just not wearing his coat and switching out his baggy pants for tighter ones. He may also make sure that he's bending over, pretending that he cares about whatever new trend Toga is into on her phone when Shigaraki comes into the League's common room the next morning. Toga acknowledges him first, her nose flaring slightly because she is quite literally a bloodhound. "Hey, Tomura!" Always happy to see all of them, especially now when their work in the different regiments can keep them very separated.

"What are you two doing?" Shigaraki doesn't sound like anything is wrong, moving over to the kitchen so that he can make himself a cup of coffee, but an hour or two later when Dabi has a chance to check, he sees a new post.

SYMBLOFFEAR: It's a tragedy that there is absolutely no ass, and yet I still want to bite it.

Which is so f*cking rude, but Dabi can't take a shot at Duster over it. He has a great ass and thighs that are in fact thick enough for Dabi to get off on riding. But still. Rude.

It's not as rude as him, the following day, meeting Shigaraki back in the conference room and having actually dipped into the candy stash that has been polluting the common room. Toga is hoping he and Jin will start rotting their teeth instead of their lungs at some point, and Dabi will give up his cigs for a the day if it means he can have suckers in his mouth dying his lips and tongue red and blue and asking,

"Am I purple yet?" As he uses the candy as a tongue depressor and opens wide.

"Are you five?" Shig takes the last sucker from his pile, tossing the wrapper at his head and then biting through it instead of enduring another half an hour of watching Dabi swallow the sugar as suggestively unsuggestively as possible.

When he checks his account that night, he gets a few gifs of different characters, probably from Duster's games, seeming to have meltdowns.

The day after that he's busy checking in on the training of their soldiers. Dabi doesn't even expect to see Shigaraki today, but when the other man comes outside with a file and promptly gets half of the papers knocked out of his hand by an errant wind-based quirk, Dabi is torn between berating the user because sh*t like that will get people torched if he's on the field, and going to further this game he's playing at Shigaraki's expense.

"Watch it!" He snaps, looking over his shoulder at the recruit as he goes to Duster to help pick up the papers. "I've got them, don't f*ck up your leg again." Dabi rushes right in to get a few directly at his feet, practically kneeling in front of him as he does, still talking to the recruit like there isn't anything strange happening. "If you pull sh*t like that when there are any fires or tear gas, you're going to take out half of your squad. Be more aware of your surroundings or next time you'll kill someone instead of just causing our Grand Commander trouble." There's nothing wrong with Shigaraki's leg anymore, but this is all a good excuse to be right here, tormenting him as he puts the papers back into their folder as a few other grunts go around gathering the rest.

"My sincerest apologies, Grand Commander!" The guy says, bowing low. Dabi snorts as he starts to straighten, only then looking up at Shig with a conspiratorial smile. He's not expecting so much naked heat to be in the other's eyes as it happens.

"Don't let it happen again. Dabi's right, that kind of carelessness on the field will get people killed."

Dabi's back is to the rest of the regiment so he rolls his eyes and winks at Duster as he hands back the papers. "What're you doing out here anyway, boss? You need something?"

"No, just stretching my legs." Dabi wonders if he had stayed on his knees if he could have really given him a stretch, but he holds that curiosity close as the other grunts bring back the rest of the papers.

And when he checks his phone on his next break he sees,

SYMBLOFFEAR: I've been dealt a lot of injustices in my life, but the fact that I haven't gotten to see him looking up at me as he cries while choking and moaning on it, is the worst.

And it turns out later that night, that Shig had actually been coming outside because he needed Dabi's input on some more of the organization's workings, but he had abruptly forgotten. So the next day, Dabi heads to Shig's office to help review reports and finalize budget spreadsheets, requisition requests, and interdepartmental communications. It's not fun or interesting work, and Dabi is very, very glad that he's a fast learner and never respected his father's boundaries around his office and spent a lot of time just being annoying and going through his things when he didn't bother to show up around the house most of the time, because he is having an easier time of adapting than he would otherwise. He is so distracted actually working for a good while that he forgets that he's supposed to be toying with Shigaraki primarily. But when he remembers, late enough in the day that they're approaching an appropriate time for them to go see what the others are doing for dinner, Dabi tosses the file he was reading onto the coffee table before he stretches out on Shig's couch, arms looping back to hold the rest as he arches his back, his legs spread, and gives a big yawn. He feels his shirt ride up over his stomach and doesn't make any move to correct it immediately, saying instead,

"What do you want for dinner?" It takes a suspiciously long time for him to answer and Dabi straightens a bit so he can see him sitting at the desk. Shigaraki is looking at the papers, knuckles resting against his cheek as he flips through his current file.

"It doesn't matter. Whatever you and the others want is fine." Dabi had been sure the other man had been looking at him before he'd stretched, but he can't help but be a little disappointed when he doesn't get to see him turning into a blackhole of lust the way he had hoped he would be seeing that display. Fine, whatever. He'll get him tomorrow then. They finish up what they were working on and then go to join the others for dinner.

Dabi goes back to his room afterward, ready to shower, stalk his brother, father, and Shigaraki for a second before going to bed, but he doesn't actually get to his family members before he opens the app and checks what Shigaraki said about him today, if anything.

He's not expecting there to be a thread that Duster's posted over the last hour.


SYMBLOFFEAR: Thinking about laying him out on my couch again. We're supposed to be working, but he stays up too late almost every night working.

SYMBLOFFEAR: It's warm and comfortable in my office, and he doesn't mean to, but he falls asleep on my couch.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I let him sleep through the afternoon meetings, I let him stay where he is while I leave to work, putting my coat over him to make sure he's warm.

SYMBLOFFEAR: And when I come back late in the evening, he's still there. I go to wake him up, just to get him to sleep somewhere more comfortable for the night and realize he's shifting around.

SYMBLOFFEAR: His face flushed, tucked into my coat and he's whining. His body is so hot he seems feverish.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I pull at the coat, trying to get him cooler, trying to wake him up in case he's sick and he moans my name as the fabric comes away.

SYMBLOFFEAR: Blue eyes open and he says my name again, confused this time. And then his face loses its color.

SYMBLOFFEAR: That's when I notice that he's hard.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He tries to sit up, to make excuses, to play it off, and I'm careful as I put my hand against his chest and push him back down onto his back.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He starts to sneer because that's what he always does to protect himself.

SYMBLOFFEAR: But I tell him it's okay and he believes me. He lets me kiss him. Melts into it like he's been craving it as much as I have.

SYMBLOFFEAR: And when he knows I want him, he starts to tug at me, trying to get me to touch him more.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I want to. I want my hands moving over his clothes, I want him to moan and turn red under his scars when I take them off by ghosting five fingers over his shirt.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I want him to gasp, "Tomura," in admonishment when I take his belt the same way.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I take every scrap of cloth like that. It won't matter when we have to go back to our rooms. He can wear my coat and I'll kill anyone who looks at him the way I do.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He spreads his legs for me as I get onto the couch with him, knowing if I do, he'll be mine from now on.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He lets me get between them anyway.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He arches his back and moans my name when I have my hands on his chest, finding the edges of his scars. His co*ck drools against his stomach when I get my mouth on his neck.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He begs me for more when I touch him slowly because he wants it hard and fast. But I want to give it to him slowly and deliberately.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I want to find every place that makes him get louder until I have to push three fingers into his mouth and remind him that there are other people who could be in the office late.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I want him not to care if it means I'll f*ck him faster. I'm going to make him suck on my fingers until they're dripping, then trail them down his body, tease them along his co*ck.

SYMBLOFFEAR: And he's going to spread his legs wider so that I can circle his hole.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I'm going to go slow. I'm going to remind him that he has to be patient if he wants me to be careful.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I could kill him with a touch, but I wouldn't have ever touched him at all if I didn't know that I could do it safely. I would never risk hurting him.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He rushes me anyway. I don't know if it's because he doesn't believe me, or if it's because he wants to be hurt, but there's one way to know for sure when we're like this.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I lick at his neck, down his chest to his unscarred skin, and I sink my teeth in as hard as I can.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He moans so loudly as his hole clenches tight on my fingers, grabbing at me to keep me right there as he starts to rock his hips up to get attention on his pretty, wet co*ck.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I keep being gentle as I work him open, but it's because I want to tear him apart in other places.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He lets me. He writhes under me, falling apart with how good it feels, mouth open so wide there's drool on his cheek, eyes glassy like he's going to start to cry.

SYMBLOFFEAR: He's never felt so good, and I think watching him org*sm before I've even f*cked him is the first time he's ever been honest with me.

SYMBLOFFEAR: But he can't hide how his body is feeling, how much he wants more. He begs for me and I make him keep begging until there are tears on his cheeks.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I lick them off as I push my co*ck inside of his body. I feel him tighten around me when I tell him how pretty he is like that.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I hope he knows when I'm inside of him that I think he's beautiful all the time. I hope he believes me.


Dabi doesn't know if he believes the flowery things that Shigaraki wrote. But he knows that the other parts do make his skin warmer. That by the time he's imagining Duster having the control to take away his clothes with his quirk, and never doubting for a second that he could slip with them inside of his mouth or stretching open his hole, his dick is actually hard. And by the time he's imagining Shigaraki sinking his teeth into his skin, his palm is grinding against himself through his sleep pants as he tests out how moaning,

"Tomura," would taste on his tongue.

He doesn't know if he believes the flowery things, but it doesn't mean he's not aching for them when he has his hand around his co*ck, three fingers in his hole, and his org*sm is crashing through him with a gasp.


And by the next morning, playing this game isn't as fun anymore. He didn't have an endgame in mind when he started with this. He wanted to be nosy because he could be. He wanted to mock Shigaraki for his crush because it was funny, but he had been doing it without the other man even knowing it was happening. But why? He never planned on revealing what he was doing. He just planned on doing it and leaving that be. Because what is Shigaraki's crush hurting? He's being professional with him, and no matter what his fantasies have been, he's never made Dabi uncomfortable, he's never pushed his boundaries. Dabi wouldn't even know about his crush if he hadn't spied on his private account. And he didn't feel bad about that a week ago, but now he's a little sick to his stomach with it. Shig's crush wasn't hurting anything, but Dabi finding out about it against his will and in such a humiliating way will hurt things. If Duster had just confessed to him and asked him out, Dabi could have been surprised, said 'no', and they could have moved on. Now if it happens, Dabi will have to say 'no', but he'll have to lie. He'll have to pretend that he didn't know. And if he says 'yes', it would be with the knowledge that he was lying too. He would either have to tell Shigaraki the truth, or he would have to pretend and hope the other doesn't ever find out about it, and Dabi doesn't want to play those kinds of games with him.

It's a kind of distant realization that he would even consider saying 'yes' at this point. He's not supposed to want anything like the things Shigaraki has been posting about. Sex is all fine and dandy, but it's not supposed to be something he's wasting his time focusing on, and he's not supposed to also want the... softer things that come out between the different lines of text the other man posts. He can't have any of those things. He's supposed to be focusing on his revenge. He's so close to having the resources to make this work. He's practically ready as is. The next time the League is on the field against his father, he's going to tell the whole world who he is. He shouldn't be worrying about Shigaraki's crush on him. When that comes out, he's going to have more important things to deal with. He doesn't need the distraction.

That's what he keeps thinking again and again.

But later that night he uses his fake account and posts just,

Stop distracting me. I'm not going to delude myself into thinking there's a way that this ends well.

He puts it out in the world for anyone and no one to see and there is a slight ebb of the pressure that has been sitting on his chest since the night before.


Dabi stops teasing Shigaraki, stops trying to get into more sexual positions in front of him, but that doesn't stop the other man from being horny for him. Which Dabi knows because he also doesn't stop reading his private account. Everything he does seems to make Duster horny for him. But in addition to the posts that are just blatantly thirsty, he sees there are almost just as many that are... softer.

SYMBLOFFEAR: Sunrise across the sheets with you sleeping in my arms, knowing that the world outside can't touch this moment would fix me.

And Dabi finds himself, again and again, wondering. Posting his own little thoughts.

You know everything that broke us both is still right outside of that window and it's not going away until we destroy it.

And your hands are cold. I'm not letting you touch me when I'm cozy under the blankets. Idiot.

He never tags Shigaraki, he doubts anyone at all sees his posts given he has only followed a few brand accounts. There's never any interaction on the posts, and that's the way he likes it. Shig's account is the same way. They're both just saying nothing into the void because that's so much easier than actually trying to... talk to each other. Talk to anyone. Dabi's been alone for so much of his life. He wants people to acknowledge him, but he wants to control how and when that happens. He can't have that if he goes to Shig and tells him he saw his account. He doesn't know what the other would say, but he doubts it would be anything kind when he essentially stole his f*cking diary. So for now, this works.

The next post comes after Dabi-- finally getting to have regular meals around his training, determines that eating large meals with a lot of fat and protein let him bring his flames higher without immediately having his quirk go after his skin as fuel first-- starts to bring a bento big enough for both of them when they're having meetings through lunch.

SYMBLOFFEAR: If he was in the kitchen with only an apron on and dinner already made, I genuinely don't know if I would be more excited about f*cking him or eating the food.

Which does make Dabi snort when he sees it.

Never saw the appeal of nantaimori but I have a sneaking suspicion that you'd enjoy that. Too bad for you, I don't do fish.

But when Shigaraki thanks him for bringing food and asks him where he learned to cook during their next lunch together, Dabi admits,

"My mom taught me," without feeling the pit in his gut that usually comes any time someone asks him something about his past that could give away his game before he's ready. And Shigaraki doesn't push for any more information than that either. They just pick at the bento together and keep working.

And a few days after that, when the League ends up training together since they haven't had the chance to do that in a long time, Dabi finds a new post.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I swear to god if I don't stop getting side-eyed every time I dare to glance at him while we're working out I'm going to kill everyone in the room and then myself.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I haven't even done anything to warrant the scrutiny! I'm not leering at him like a creep!

And Dabi hadn't noticed Shigaraki taking notice of him to any inappropriate level during training either. They usually don't even end up in the locker room after their workouts at the same time because Dabi usually has to go take an ice-cold shower for half an hour or longer depending on how badly he's raised his core temperature during the workout session in the first place. But the next time they train with the others, he does notice that Shigaraki is almost deliberately ignoring him, because whenever he pays attention, especially if Dabi is sweating through his shirt, Toga snickers. Brat. He wonders if she knows about the account, if Shig confided in her, or if she's just playing up that freak nose thing with her quirk that she says lets her smell when people are in love. Either way, Dabi posts,

If I can't choose violence, I will choose the avenue of chaos that amuses me the most.

And then he goes to Duster,

"Hey, since not all of us do steroids to get fit, can you spot me today?"

"I didn't do steroids--"

"Uh huh, sure, I've seen most of your 'before and after's, Shig." He says pointedly, letting his eyes drift down and lingering pointedly at his crotch. "Hard to tell now that you're not wearing skinny jeans anymore, but whatever works, I guess. Spot me."

"I'm going to kill you."

"Really not beating the allegations with that roid rage, Duster."

Twice and Toga are both cackling over the exchange but Shig only makes a half-hearted swipe at him before he actually spots him through his set. And he's half expecting it when he sees the post that night that says,

SYMBLOFFEAR: I'm going to drag my balls over your face and stuff your mouth full of them until you're drooling all over yourself.

SYMBLOFFEAR: I'm not going to take them out until I'm ready to finish all over your face because brats like you need to learn your place.

Which makes him a little warmer. It's been a long time since someone used his mouth.

Coward. You should f*ck my throat afterward hard enough that they're slapping my chin too.


The month of reprieve that Shigaraki got with his treatments slips away. He still works constantly, trying to make certain that every aspect of the organization is on the right track and that all of the different regiments know exactly who to speak to for anything that they might need while he's gone. He's being very, very responsible about the whole thing, and Dabi is jerking it to his posts way more than he should be, namely at all, given he's not supposed to even know about his account in the first place, but whatever. Duster keeps posting about the things that he wants to do to him, and Dabi hasn't ever been with a hookup that wanted to treat him the way Shigaraki says he wants to. Maybe it's stupid, but that gets his blood going a little hotter under his skin, and when Shigaraki decides to go on his long threads of how he would f*ck him if he were given half a chance, Dabi finds himself laying bac against his sheets reading the words and pretending that the other man got up the guts to actually act on any of these thoughts, and how good it would feel.

Like when he posts about catching him in the showers after his workout and Dabi's mind paints the scene for him as he's stroking himself in the shower that night,

Mouths against each other, the tiles are supposed to be cool against Dabi's back, but his body is getting so warm as Shigaraki's hands move across his skin. He's feeling along his seams, along the muscles that are already aching from the workout, and he doesn't stop. He keeps going until Dabi is hard and grinding his co*ck up against the other's, desperate to have more. He's so warm that the cool water is starting to steam as Duster takes one of his deadly hands and wraps it around them both, lining up their undersides so that Dabi is getting perfect pressure all along his piercings as he starts to jerk them off. And he talks the whole time too, telling him how pretty he looks, making fun of him for how badly his thighs are shaking, cooing at every face he makes and sound that slips out of his throat. He brings the pleasure higher and higher, and then he makes him stop. He won't start again until Dabi degrades himself by begging for it, and when he does, he strokes him until he c*ms, and then keeps going. He strokes him until he feels raw, until he's crying, until he's coating their stomachs a second and third time with his cum and he ends up slumped on the floor of the shower in a heap. And he presses kisses to his forehead and temple as he cleans him up and carries him back out to the rest of the locker room to help him get dressed.

Dabi c*ms hard in the shower, strokes himself through the overstimulation the first time the way Shigaraki said he would, and manages a second org*sm that makes his nerves sting sharply. He has no idea what kind of stamina Duster must have to think that Dabi would be able to try for a third. But then again, fantasies are just that for a reason. Maybe he doesn't imagine things exactly like that. But he does imagine, and Dabi is trying to find out what he likes. He hasn't made himself cry yet, not that he thinks Duster would really be all that into the bloody tears if they did manage that. But still. It comes up a lot in his threads. It must be something he likes.

Shigaraki also likes his attitude, wants excuses to punish him in ways that should disturb him but only make Dabi hotter when he sees him post,

SYMBLOFFEAR: Mouthy brats like you need a spreader between their legs and bruises across their thighs and hole.

SYMBLOFFEAR: And if you keep talking back to me, I'm going to enjoy bringing a crop across your balls too. You'll be so cute sobbing and promising that you'll be good from now on.

He doesn't know what to do with the fact that he's taking Shigaraki's fantasies into his own, but he does know that he hasn't ever gotten off harder than he has been for the past few days, so he is willing to take whatever he can get.

And then he realizes sharply that he's not going to get much at all because when Shig leaves in two days, the posts will stop. He won't be spending time with him almost every day, he won't have someone who's been... looking at him, wanting him, thinking about him at all hours, and Dabi has to grapple with the fact that he likes those things. And he's going to miss them when they're gone. It's a question for no one when he posts,

Who's going to keep me entertained when you're gone?

When Shigaraki doesn't post anything for the rest of the day, Dabi is left with an unhappy prediction of how it will be.


The others are essentially throwing Shigaraki a 'going away' party the following night. Food, booze, chatter, all that kind of stuff that Dabi isn't interested in, but he at least makes an appearance for an hour to eat and play a round of pool so he has an excuse to lean over the table and put his ass on display for Duster. He still hasn't posted today, and yeah, he's probably focusing on the fact he's going to be right back into the doctor's medical experimentation in the next few days, but Dabi has gotten used to the attention, and he's going to miss it when it's gone. He wants to provoke at least one more post out of Shigaraki before he goes.

"It's going to be so boring without you here." Toga whines.

"I doubt that." Shig says as Dabi snorts.

"All he does is work." He lines up his next shot, ready to call it for Twos when Shigaraki adds.

"Dabi's right, I'm sure that you'll all find a new source of entertainment when I'm gone."

Dabi doesn't call his shot, doesn't even connect with the cue ball, the pole instead scraping over the felt as his head whips up. Shigaraki meets his eyes coolly and then turns his attention back to his conversation with the others. Twice mocks Dabi for f*cking up his shot that badly, but he doesn't really hear it. There's a whine in his ears instead. The awful ringing pulse of blood because Shigaraki knows.

He didn't plan on staying long in the first place, but he is glad he telegraphed that clearly when he started this game with Twos, because that means that he can finish the game and then depart as he originally planned without looking too suspicious. Dabi loses the game, unable to focus now, and when he goes it's with just a lazy wave and 'night' because he doesn't want to have to look Shigaraki in the eye now. He makes his way back to his room swiftly, and when he's inside, with the door shut and locked, he allows himself to drag his hands through his hair and fully let his embarrassment crest through him.

It takes him a few minutes to calm down enough to consider if he's even the one who should be embarrassed. Shigaraki is the one who has been a massive pervert for the past few months. He's the one who has been posting his thirst over Dabi. He's the one who started it with the private account. It's just that... Dabi is acutely aware that finding the account and spying on it was like finding the other's diary and going back to read it every day like it was a gossip rag. And not only that, but he'd started to use his own to respond to those comments. f*cking hell, that's still embarrassing for him. And it's even worse because Shigaraki thinks that he was just reading along and laughing probably. That he was getting a kick out of it when he played along, not that he... was enjoying it when he was. He doesn't know that his fantasies got Dabi so hot he took them for his own, that he's spent almost the entire month imagining it was Duster's hand around his co*ck, or his fingers in his ass trying to bring him over the edge. He doesn't know that Dabi doesn't think that he's ever felt hotter with those fantasies playing themselves out in his head.

But Shigaraki knows the incriminating parts, and Dabi isn't sure that he has the nerve to try to come clean about the other parts.


He listens to the others go back to their rooms a few hours later, doors shutting and their wing going quiet as the going away party ends. Duster will be gone in the morning. Depending on what the doc thinks about how his body is holding up so far, he might have Duster coming back and forth again for treatments, or... he might just decide to put him in the tank right away and leave the rest of them out in the cold. Dabi's stomach is hollow as he sits on the edge of his bed, cig between his lips as his finger hovers over the 'delete account' button. Shigaraki knows about this. The best thing he could do as far as making it go away, is pretend that it didn't happen. Close the account and pretend he doesn't know anything about Duster's. They'll go on the way they always have before, and he doesn't think the other will even make him apologize for the breach in trust. He just has to pretend this didn't happen. Go back to normal. Stop thinking about Shigaraki as anything but his boss, focus on his goals again instead of his libido. He just has to delete the account and pretend.

Dabi exits the screen and starts a new post instead.

It's late and I can't sleep. Neither can you. You're not sure if you want to wring my neck or if you just want your hands around it because you think it would be hot to have me choking under you.

Doesn't matter which it is, you've been found out. Might as well go for something.

You come to my door, knocking quietly so that no one else hears you, and I open it. You make up your mind then as you reach for me and I don't flinch when you do.

Hand on my hip as you pull me in and kiss me the way you've been fantasizing about for months.

I pull you into the room and kick the door shut. I don't care who it wakes up. I just want you to be as good as you pretend to be.

I don't say anything, and you don't ask me if I'm sure or if this is a game, you just take what you want from me and let me enjoy every inch of it.

I let you take the lead. That's what you've wanted the whole time, and I want to see if you're worth it. Are you going to f*ck me roughly or slowly? Will you bruise my skin or kiss my seams?

Is this everything you dreamed of, or are you going to be glad to leave in the morning so you don't have to make excuses?

Only one way to find out @SYMBLOFFEAR.

Dabi tags him at the end of the thread, posts it, and tosses his phone onto his desk. His temperature is creeping up, from anticipation or nerves, he doesn't know. He just hopes that Shigaraki didn't immediately go to sleep as soon as he went back to his room. He's already going to be in a hellish limbo waiting to see if he shows up or not. It would be a new cruelty of fate if the other man doesn't even see the thread until after he's left. As is, Dabi ends up sitting on the edge of his bed, his skin prickling with anxious heat for nearly twenty minutes before there's a soft knock at his door.

He can feel his pulse under his skin as he stands and crosses the room. It's only when his hand is on the doorknob that he realizes that he could still chicken out. He could throw the lock shut and not open the door. He could tell Shig to f*ck off. He could pretend that he was just toying with him.

It's only when all of those thoughts hit him, that Dabi lets himself admit that rejecting Shigaraki is the last thing he wants. He was planning on being alone until he burned. But it doesn't mean that's what he wanted. Duster might not know his end goals, he might not know his name, but he knows that the chances of this ending messy aren't zero. He pulls open the door and finds that he came to see him anyway, and he doesn't manage to wait for the other to move first. Dabi is the one who reaches for him, hands tangling in wet hair and pulling him in.

They pass the threshold and Shigaraki is the one who kicks the door shut, hands catching around Dabi's hips, prosthetic fingers icy against his overheated skin before he's turning Dabi. His back hits the door a little roughly and then he's finally, finally got Shig's mouth against his.

His lips are as cold as his skin, the chapped skin feels more like his quirk is shattering him from his lips out, and this might be the best kiss he's had in his life. There isn't an ounce of hesitation in either of them. Their mouths are moving, Dabi's body arching against his touch to try and put as much of their skin together as possible. Duster nips at his lips, slips his tongue inside when Dabi opens, a hand moving around to the small of his back so that Dabi tilts his hips into his, his legs spreading a little wider to make room for Shig's between his. And he doesn't talk. He doesn't ask. He doesn't have to.

Dabi's hands stay tangled in Shigaraki's hair as he gets each new, hard kiss, until he's breathless. More breathless when Shig pulls back a bit and Dabi can see that his pale skin looks flushed over his cheeks, that his lips are starting to darken from how roughly their mouths keep meeting, how dark his eyes look as he dissects every inch of Dabi's body. He tries to stay relaxed when Shig leans back in, but his mouth doesn't settle against his, it's on his cheek instead, overlapping his scars. He can't help tensing slightly at that. He always tenses when people touch him there, always expecting the worst. But there doesn't seem to be any hesitation, any reluctance in the touch as he makes his way over his cheek and up to his ear.

"You are a nosy little brat, and when I have time, you're going to take every punishment I can think of." He didn't know that Shig's voice could turn into a growl like that, but it makes Dabi's skin abruptly hotter, his co*ck starting to fill as he recalls just a few of the punishments that the other man said he would want to put him through.

"Big f*cking talk when you haven't even shown me that this is worth doing a second time." He snarks right back. If they're going to do the talking thing, he's not going to do it the genuine way that he's sure would be expected. He doesn't want a confession, he wants Shig to blow his back out.

He is immediately punished for his mouthiness, though, when the other man bites into his neck, hard enough to have stars bursting across his vision and a moan tearing out of his throat. His other hand scrapes his blunt nails down Shig's back, feeling the ripple of every muscle beneath his palm, as his head thumps back against the door to give him more room to work with.

"Big talk for a needy attention whor* who can't even keep his legs closed after just a kiss." Shig snarks right back. But before Dabi can be contrary and get himself into any extra trouble, the other man is wrapping his hands around the backs of Dabi's thighs, just under his ass, and lifting. He squeaks indignantly, but that doesn't stop Duster from getting his feet off the ground, forcing Dabi to have to wrap his thighs around his waist and press his pelvis to the other's body to keep from falling. Duster has the gall to bark a cruel, breathless laugh when he feels how hard Dabi already is. "A very needy little whor*." His mouth goes back to his neck, peppering his skin with kisses as he carries Dabi over to his bed. "How many times were you reading what I wrote with your hand around your desperate co*ck, baby?"

"How many more times did you have to stop writing because you got too excited just thinking about me?" He counters, pulling at his hair again to slot their mouths back together. Shig doesn't have any trouble pulling him away from the door and turning to carry him over to his bed. But Dabi can't stop snarking between kisses, "You're such a creepy pervert. Wanted to rail me for months, and all you did was post about it."

Shig bites his bottom lip hard enough to make it hurt through his scar tissue, and that little spike of pain has him moaning again. Clearly they're going for it rough then, and he's perfectly happy with that. He always got off hardest to the fantasies where Duster talked about breaking him in such violent ways.

"Never going to touch you unless I knew I wouldn't lose my second for trying. Looking didn't hurt anyone." He gets him over to the bed and Dabi lets himself be laid down onto the mattress, keeping his legs around Shig's waist to pull him in and keep him there.

"Pathetic." It sounds like a lot less of a scathing remark when he's breathless as Duster's hair falls around them in a curtain as his hands move up over his ass and his eyes are so hot that Dabi's quirk might be blushing.

"I know." But it doesn't cow him. His mouth is on his again, on Dabi's neck, his hands are moving over his skin and Dabi is just trying to find any part of him to hold on to.

"Duster," he gasps, getting to see and feel his hands on his skin, all of his fingers on his damaged hand touching him, four on his healthy one. The sound earns him a nip over his collarbone and Dabi trembles beneath him. He doesn't know the last time he was in bed with someone else, and he definitely doesn't think he's ever gotten this hot this quickly with any of his other hookups.

"Know that's not what you're going to call me while I've got my hands on your skin, firefly." One hand that's moving to tease at his nipple, as his mouth goes to the other. His tongue flicks over his skin, making his nerves tingle and a thread of heady satisfaction go through him, because Duster has imagined him naked a lot, but he's never imagined his piercings before. Even if he doesn't live up to whatever expectations he's set in his mind, at least Dabi knows that he'll be different.

"Mm, what did you want again? Master? Daddy? Sir?" He whines when the teasing is met with a sharper tug at his nipple and teeth against his skin.

"You can start with my name, and when I have you over my knee for being a brat, we can go from there."

"God, you're so f*cking controlling," there isn't a whisper of complaint in his voice though as he reaches for Shigaraki's sleep pants, wanting to feel if he's as worked up as he is, wanting to get things moving along if he is because Dabi is getting so warm that he thinks he's going to start smoking. "If you use a riding crop on my junk without getting a safeword first, I'm going to set you on fire."

"What's your safeword?" He teases right back, sitting up a little and making Dabi untangle his legs from around his waist so they can both strip out of their pajama bottoms. Dabi has to lose his boxers too, but Shigaraki is, in fact, as shameless as all of his posts have made him out to be and Dabi's mouth goes dry when he gets to take in the full breadth of him and only manages to croak,

"Not steroids," as he sees his co*ck. f*ck, Dabi is pretty well-endowed himself, but he can't hold a candle to the f*cking monster between Shig's legs. He's thicker and longer than he is, a thatch of white curls around his base, head flushed and dripping, thick veins winding along his length, balls solid and weighty behind it that have definitely not been shrunk by whatever treatments he's getting, and Dabi is practically drooling. "Choke me?" He doesn't think he even can fit that down his throat, but by god is he going to try--

"Not tonight, baby boy." Tomura tells him, pulling Dabi up. "You can be patient and learn to ask nicely before I give you a reward. Right now you're going to get your lube, then get on your hands and knees, and I'm going to make sure you feel it every minute I'm gone."

Dabi's remaining brain cells evacuate his skull so quickly that for a second all he can manage is a whiny moan because he's kind of forgotten how to move. But then he remembers abruptly and is shifting on the bed, moving up to his nightstand. And before he's even gotten an arm outstretched for the drawer, Tomura's hands are on his hips to pause him. He starts to turn, to ask why he would torture them both by making him pause, but he abruptly loses the words as the other leans in and bites his ass.

Dabi lets out a humiliating squeak as it happens, but the bite doesn't hurt anything but his pride, especially when Duster laughs at him, one hand squeezing the side he didn't try to take a chunk out of. "Really don't have anything back here at all, do you, firefly?"

The sound he makes at that comment is so sharply indignant and completely and utterly pointless, because he's well aware that he has no ass to speak of. "Keep it up, you'll be putting your dick in nothing."

Tomura chuckles and kisses the spot he bit before he's moving back up Dabi's body, reaching for the drawer that he'd abandoned and pulling it open. There are a few scattered butts of joints inside along with the lube, which has gotten a lot less full since he started reading Shigaraki's posts, but still definitely enough for this. It's easy to forget his embarrassment and annoyance when Tomura starts to kiss along his spine as the cap opens loudly in the otherwise quiet room. Duster cups his ass again, spreading Dabi open wider with one hand as the other goes to his hole, flesh fingers trailing the slick lube over him and making Dabi's breath hitch from how cold it is against his overheated skin.

It doesn't take long for Dabi to be moaning, every touch a reminder that Shigaraki could kill him if he slips once, every kiss and murmured word of praise reassuring Dabi that he won't. He won't let Dabi's nerves rest either, easily opening up on his first finger, and as soon as he adds his second, he is looking for Dabi's prostate and finding it all too quickly. Then he's making sure to tease that gland again and again, trying to work him up into peak oversensitivity before he's even gotten inside of him yet. It's pathetic how well it's working, Dabi's skin starting to smoke and his co*ck aching as his body demands relief from the tension inside of him.

"Tomura," He tries desperately to sound stern and demanding, but his name comes out thready and whining, needy for more.

"That's it, precious. Always wondered how you would sound begging. Let me hear you and maybe you'll get what you want."

"You're a f*cking sad*st." Dabi barely manages to growl out. But he's really undercut by the fact that Shigaraki immediately uses his free hand to land a solid slap against his ass, and instead of that making Dabi try to jerk away from him, he just lets out a desperate moan.

"You're a needy masoch*st. Beg." He feels the other shifting behind him, but before he can turn to look, one hand is around the back of Dabi's neck, pushing his face down into the bed as his fingers slip out of his hole. He hears the lube squirt again and hopes that means that Shigaraki is getting as impatient as he is, but when his thick co*ck is pressed to his body, it's not where he wants it. Tomura's head rubs over his hole, stretching the rim and making him open up a bit more, but before Dabi can push back to let his body be split open around him, Shigaraki's co*ck is rubbing between his cheeks, up towards the small of his back. f*cking him without f*cking him and making Dabi's brain turn to liquid between his ears. "Beg, or I'll think you don't want your pretty hole to be f*cked, and I'll just have to use other parts of you to make sure I'm satisfied."

That puts a fresh pulse of heat through his body, his co*ck aching and drooling onto the sheets at the thought. He definitely, definitely wants to be used like that by Duster at some point, but not right now. Right now he might turn to ash if he isn't properly full soon. "Please, please, please! Please, sir, please f*ck me? I need it. Want to feel how big your co*ck is inside. Want you to fill me up and make me messy. Wanna be yours--"

"Much better, firefly." Tomura purrs, shifting again so that his head is at Dabi's hole and teasing his rim with a harder grind. "Are you sure you're ready, precious? I don't want to break my pretty new toy."

The high-pitched keen that Dabi lets out as he pushes his hips back as much as he can, barely sounds human. He doesn't know if he's ever been so desperate before. He's pretty sure he had more dignity when he was losing his virginity than he does right now. "Sir!"

Tomura f*cking laughs at him again, but a hand settles around Dabi's hips to keep him still and then he finally, finally starts to push in properly. His rim immediately starts to burn at the stretch of him, and Dabi knows he probably could have used another two fingers and it still would have felt tight, but he's moaning so loudly. He doesn't care if it hurts, if it leaves an ache in him afterwards, because then he can have something real to hold onto when Tomura's gone again for so long. His head has only just pushed past his rim when Dabi knows he shouldn't have waited. He should have jumped on his dick as soon as he found out about the posts. He could have been having this for a month.

As Tomura's co*ck sinks in, stretching him wider, pressing in deeper than any he's had before though, he's not sure he would have been able to survive a month of this. Not when his insides are stretched so perfectly that he's choking out a weak sob as he fumbles a hand down his body to try and stroke his own co*ck. He's so close to the edge and he's not even getting f*cked yet--

"Ah-ah," Tomura's hand catches around Dabi's wrist and he whines again, trying to shift under him, but feeling trapped by the fullness that is radiating through his body.

"Please, please, please--"

"Knew you would be such a good boy once I had you stuffed full." The hand not restraining his own goes to the small of Dabi's back, adding extra weight and pressure to keep his body exactly where it is. And then he rolls his hips and Dabi is all but screaming into the sheets as every inch of his insides tells him that he's too full, there's too much, that it feels too good. "But if you cum now, I'm not going to stop. Are you sure you want that, baby boy?"

"Please, Tomu, please, please!"

"Okay, baby. Let me see how you touch your pretty co*ck."

He can't see him from this position, especially not when both of his hands go to Dabi's hips and he shifts so that he can start giving his body shallow thrusts that send his nerves alight with pleasure. He can hardly focus on one source of it as it goes on. Dabi's palm isn't wet, and normally that would be uncomfortable, especially with his piercings, but it doesn't matter now. He's leaking so much that his skin is slick and his hand is able to glide over it in fast, rough strokes that are nothing like the rolling, grinding thrusts that Tomura is giving him. It's like he's testing each inch of his walls to find the place that makes him moan the loudest. And when he does, when he finds the place that has him rubbing over his prostate and deeper inside of him, he starts to pull back. The next thrust is much harder, shaking the bed roughly enough to send the headboard banging into the wall. Dabi isn't sure if it's going to be that sound, or the moan he makes as he barely manages to stroke himself one more time before he's cumming.

The starbursts behind his eyes don't stop, because Shigaraki doesn't stop. He f*cks him through his org*sm, replacing Dabi's hand around his co*ck with his own. He clicks his tongue softly, "I told you, we're not stopping yet just because you couldn't help yourself, baby boy. Now we're going to see if you can keep your pretty co*ck hard for me or if you're just going to be dribbling by the time I've made your tight little hole as messy as you made your sheets."

He feels like he's drowning as his nerves sting with each sharp burst of pleasure that comes on the heels of his org*sm. And it comes again and again because Tomura really doesn't give him an inch of reprieve or relief. Finds the pace that has Dabi making a litany of sounds that he's never heard out of himself before, and he just keeps going until there is smoke trickling out of his seams and bloody tears soaking into his sheets as he clutches at the bedding and his body trembles. He hasn't gotten to bottom for very many people. Normally they see his piercings, pick up on his attitude, and want him to top. But he's absolutely certain that no one has ever f*cked him as well or as thoroughly as Shigaraki is doing right now. Dabi doesn't know how he is ever going to go back to anyone else. Not when this feels so good that the pleasure is kissing every pain-raw nerve that is screaming its overstimulation as it happens.

Dabi wasn't certain that he would manage to stay hard, but every rough thrust inside of him has his prostate sending sparks out across his nerves. Feeling Tomura's hands on him, keeping him in the position he wants, stroking him, feeling the way that their breaths have synchronized when he curves his chest along Dabi's back to lick at his neck and nibble across his shoulders like his scars aren't disgusting, is keeping his arousal so high it takes him a long time to realize that he's drooling from how wide his mouth has been around his moans. He's dizzy from how strung-out his body is on ecstasy by the time Tomura's hand is going a little rougher, a little tighter on his co*ck. He's hard, but he feels almost hollow, like he hasn't been able to stretch his skin around the pleasure that is trying to come out of him with every touch.

"f*ck, you're so cute like this, firefly. Knew you would be so good for me--" Dabi moans even louder at the praise, the words making new needy aches sing across his nerves. "I know, just want to be a good boy. Always my good boy." He nuzzles at Dabi's neck and his body gets even hotter. He's pretty sure that he's going to burn their bodies or burn the sheets if he keeps this up. "Always working so hard, always taking care of anything I need, even if you like to be a mouthy brat when you're doing it, even when," He gives Dabi a particularly hard thrust that leaves Dabi's thighs shaking a fresh sob tearing out of his throat. "You're being a pest and invading my privacy."

"'M sorry. Tomu, Tomu, please--"

"I know you are, baby. And I'm going to give you everything you couldn't help wanting while you were being nosy. I'm going to start by filling up your greedy hole, and you're going to keep proving to me that you're a good boy and you're going to cum with me."

Dabi whines. He's never been able to cum on command before, and even as overworked as his body feels right now, he's not certain that he'll be able to manage that. But Tomura doesn't give him a choice. He f*cks him harder, deeper somehow, and he strokes Dabi's co*ck tighter, making sure to tease every inch of his ladder on each stroke, bringing him closer and closer--

"That's it, firefly, you're doing such a good job. Can feel how close you are just from how tightly you're squeezing me." And Duster's voice is rougher now too, his thrusts growing sharper, the rhythm faltering slightly as he gets so close to his own org*sm as well.

"Tomura," his name is more sob than word as Dabi's entire body trembles beneath him.

"I know, baby. It's alright, you can cum now. Cum for me, precious."

He plunges over the edge with an org*sm that leaves his length throbbing and fresh cum pooling on the sheets. Every muscle in his body tightens, his hole clenching greedily around Tomura's co*ck. But he keeps moving inside of him for another few thrusts before the headboard makes a fresh dent in the wall as he buries himself deep and and drenches Dabi's walls in his spend. Every pulse of it is like a balm against his need, and Dabi finds himself sobbing softly against the sheets, his body having expended every other outlet for his pleasure so thoroughly it's all he can do.

Tomura strokes his skin and presses kisses across his body, soothing the ache in his nerves as he pulls out, letting Dabi feel the mess that spills down his thighs and the ache that is radiating through him from being so thoroughly used. He lets himself be rolled onto his back and Tomura reaches for the tissues on his nightstand, his expression far, far softer than any of his words have been. His touches are softer too when he wipes the blood from his cheeks and gives him light kisses as he tries to clean up the rest of his skin too. And then he makes some of his other fantasies real, pulling Dabi in close, running a hand through his hair and down his back as he holds him as their breaths even and deepen in the dark of his room.


When the sun rises the next morning, it doesn't fall across the sheets. Dabi makes sure that his curtains are shut tightly so he doesn't have to be blinded first thing in the morning. He wakes early and first, and he shifts in the bed, moving to straddle Tomura's waist. The other rouses himself, hands curling around his hips and his voice still thick with sleep as Dabi starts to trace the scars he's clawed into his own neck with his lips and tongue.

"Mmm, that's one way to wake up."

"World didn't stop just because you finally got to f*ck me." He says pointedly.

"Maybe. Doesn't mean we can't ignore it for a little longer, though." Tomura threads a hand through Dabi's hair and tugs gently, getting him to lean in so that he can give him a slow, deep kiss.

"You're supposed to leave for your treatments--"

"You're supposed to be in a meeting with Trumpet and Skeptic. Neither of us want that. But I think we'd both like a shower, especially if it ends with you on your knees getting choked the way you asked for so sweetly last night." And Dabi can't hide how good that sounds because his temperature creeps a little higher and he can't help grinding down to feel Tomura's co*ck against him again. Yeah, he absolutely wants that in his mouth as soon as he can get it.

Still. "You're such a pervert and your priorities are absolutely f*cked."

Tomura's hand moves from the back of his neck to his cheek, his thumb tracing the seam over Dabi's cheek. "You are my priority, Dabi. You have been for a long time. Is that going to be alright?"

He hopes that his face doesn't actually get pinker as he feels himself flush. "Whatever, Duster. Long as you don't go soft on me where it counts after all those f*cking perverted posts."

"Brat," but there's nothing but affection in the word as Shig pulls him into another kiss.

He doesn't make it back to Ujiko's that day, Dabi doesn't make it to any of his meetings or training. The others would probably think they were dead if Duster wasn't making him moan his throat hoarse every few hours for the next two days. But the world doesn't stop turning, and they do have to get back to things sooner than Dabi would like to. Tomura leaves, Dabi goes back to work.

He doesn't know when the f*ck he managed to take a picture of him on his knees with cum dribbling down his thighs, but he decides he has to kill Shigaraki when he posts it. He at least cropped it so his hole isn't actually showing, but there's no mistaking exactly what the image is.

SYMBLOFFEAR: Such a pretty picture, firefly. Going to be thinking about how much cuter you'd be with bruises across your thighs too until I get to come home 💕

Bastard. But he's blocked and unfollowed everyone but him. Just a post for the two of them. Just enough to let him know that he's still thinking of him, that he didn't lose interest now that he's had him. Dabi posts only a middle finger emoji in response, but it doesn't stop Tomura from making sure he knows he's still thinking about him for the entire week that he's away. He still doesn't know if he believes this can end in something other than tragedy. But when Tomura immediately gets his hands under Dabi's thighs and lifts him up so he can carry him to his bed, mouth sealing over his as soon as they're close enough for it, Dabi decides he can pretend for a while. Tomura managed to make fantasies work for him. Maybe, just this once, they'll work for Dabi too.

101 Kinks: Horny Posting - satan_copilots_my_tardis - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.